Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Free Lego at Smyth's Stores Nationwide - 14 March

As seen on the Smyth's Store Events page:  free Lego activities at all stores nationwide on 14 March.

We've been to a few of these before, and they're really good.  For the Lego Movie 2 promotion, they had a a large (and I mean LARGE - think household waste) bag of Lego parts that you could just free-play with, poured out over a large table.  Whatever you could build, you could keep.  Like I said, these events are amazing (your challenge, of course, is to get you and your children in and out of the store without buying anything else ;-))

This looks to be about the same; Lego are promoting their new Lego Dots range with 'workshops'.  Dots are just 1x1 tiles that you can use to make mosaic images of whatever you like...

So, the larger the image, the more pieces you'll end up with, and as always with Lego, your imagination is the only limit.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Preview: Staffs Uni Invertebrate Science Day, 7 March

I've previously previewed and reviewed Staffordshire University's Big Biology Day, which is an annual event in October - it's one of the best (if not the best) day out event of the year.  A very close second (or possibly even joint first) is their Invertebrates Science Fair (known in our house as "Bug Day").

You may think that limiting the scope of a science event to just invertebrates (insects, mostly, though I'm sure I'll get into trouble for saying it) might mean there is less to see and do.  You would be wrong.  There are so many diverse bugs that the event space is completely filled with national experts on bees, flies, moths, grasshoppers, pond life and so on.  You can go pond dipping (on a small scale), look down microscopes (always a hit in our family) and meet welcoming, enthusiastic and informative experts in their field. Actually, they've come in from their fields to share and present...

There is a wide range of stands, and they're aimed at different audiences so there is something for everyone - from cutting, colouring and sticking model butterflies to the microscopes, to booklets, leaflets and even lectures.  The lectures are aimed at a more mature audience, so if you have young children you'll be better off sticking to the cutting and gluing.

The best news: the 2020 Bug Day is this coming Saturday, 7 March. I'll write up a full review after we've been, but this is one event that comes with an unreserved recommendation.

Staffordshire University event on Facebook

Nurturing Nature promo