Tuesday 17 September 2013

Fiat: "Dad, get your trousers back"

I have an interest in cars.  It's only a typical Dad-type interest - I don't drool over car magazines, I don't go racing or polish my car to within an inch of its life.  But my car needs to be reliable enough to do the school run and to take my family on Days Out With Daddy, with enough room for everybody to be comfortable, and for the back-seat occupants, to have enough space to play with their various toys without hitting each other.

And I like looking at car adverts periodically, and we go to motor shows.  I have no intention of swapping my car, but I like to window shop occasionally.

Which brings me to the latest advertising campaign by Fiat.  What are they thinking?

Do they really think I'm going to 'get my trousers back' by driving a car that's bright marigold yellow? Seriously?

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