Saturday, 21 August 2021

Classic Cars and Steam, Apedale - August Bank Holiday!

 The August Bank Holiday weekend events are starting to pile up, and three options to add to the list are Apedale Valley's Land Rover Show on 28 August, their Transport Show on Sunday 29 August, and their Classic Cars and Steam event, on Monday 30 August.  This isn't the first time I've reviewed or previewed Apedale Valley, as you'll see here.  As before, I would recommend visiting if you have any interest in cars or trains, or classic vehicles at all!  This is a great site, ideal for young families (although I don't remember it being particularly pushchair friendly... this was a while ago, though!).

Apedale Valley combines steam and diesel trains with a hangar full of museum pieces and exhibits from the area's history.  There are train rides at certain dates, and this will be one of them.  In addition, there will be classic cars on display - hard to say which, but there should be a good range, and based on recent visits to Apedale and to the Etruria Mill, you'll probably see cars from the 1940s-1980s (including everything from an Austin Metro to a Ford Capri).  

The train rides on Sunday are from 11:00-4:00 and on Monday are from 11:30-4:00, and are charged at standard fares on both days. 

The museum/hangar makes for very useful shelter if the weather isn't great, and there's also (if I remember rightly) a waiting room at the station while you're waiting for you turn on the train.  I do believe that they serve light refreshments, but don't quote me on that as it's been a while since we last visited.  It's a great site and I would expect to spend at least an hour looking at everything that's on offer.

Apedale Valley's website has more details.

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